
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics


The electrostatic potential of biliverdin as calculated with ab initio methods at the DFT level of theory.

Calculating the pKa of a ligand inside a protein


Computational titration of a small (~75 atoms) organic ligand, called Biliverdin (B part of image below) inside the fluorescent protein Sandercyanin (A part of image below). Biliverdin works as the chromophore and when it is inside the protein the pKa of the two propionic chains shifts dramatically.

Large-deviations theory of liquid crystal molecules


The simplest phase transition that liquid crystals undergo is the isotropic -> nematic. Close to the nematic transition, the system forms domains that are very hard to quantify with molecular simulations.

Angular momentum fluctuations in molecular simulations


My first research project at Brown University when I was a first year Ph.D. student. I developed a phase transition diagnostic tool of 2D atomistic systems. In the image below you see the x and y coordinates of point particles that interact with a Lennard-Jones potential.